Landscaping Tips Every New Homeowner Should Know

If you have just bought a new house, you must be excited to personalise it. One of the ways you can accomplish this is by revamping your yard. After all, you will be relaxing here to get some fresh air, and a great view will come in handy. A well-maintained landscape not only beautifies the compound but also increases your home's value. There is a misconception that landscaping a yard is difficult, but this isn't true. Read More 

5 Tips for Choosing the Right Mulch

Mulch has multiple benefits for your plants. It insulates the soil and keeps temperatures steady, and it protects plant roots from hot spells and cold spells. Additionally, mulch keeps the moisture in the soil from evaporating, saving you time in watering sessions. It also covers weeds in shade, denying them the light they need to sprout.  If you are shopping for mulch, here are 5 things to consider.  1. Size of Area Read More